Two-form bumble bee (Bombus bifarius)

Two-form bumble bee (Bombus bifarius) photo

Photo credit: Rich Hatfield

Bumble bee illustrations: Paul Williams (identification and color patterns) and Elaine Evans (bee body design).

Identifying Features

Status: Very common
Two-form bumble bee (Bombus bifarius) illustration Two-form bumble bee (Bombus bifarius) illustration 2
"Triangular notch at rear of thorax"; "Orange on the abdomen in mountainous/northern regions, and without elsewhere."


Two-form bumble bee (Bombus bifarius) range map

When to Look

Two-form bumble bee (Bombus bifarius) range phenology

Floral Associations

Arctostaphylos, Ceanothus, Chrysothamnus, Frasera, Symphoricarpos

Look Alike Species

B. huntii, B. melanopygus, B. rufocinctus, B. ternarius, B. sylvicola