Sanderson bumble bee (Bombus sandersoni)

Sanderson bumble bee (Bombus sandersoni) photo

Photo credit: Sheila Colla

Bumble bee illustrations: Paul Williams (identification and color patterns) and Elaine Evans (bee body design).

Identifying Features

Status: Uncommon
Sanderson bumble bee (Bombus sandersoni) illustration Sanderson bumble bee (Bombus sandersoni) illustration 2
"Thorax variable, but always with some black between the wing bases"; "T1-2 yellow"; "T3-5 black, sometimes with white/yellow hairs on T5"; "Hair short, smaller bumble bee"


Sanderson bumble bee (Bombus sandersoni) range map

When to Look

Sanderson bumble bee (Bombus sandersoni) range phenology

Floral Associations

Gaylussacia, Kalmia angustifolia, Rhododendron, Sarracenia purpurea, Scutellaria lateriflora

Look Alike Species

B. perplexus, B. vagans