Confusing bumble bee (Bombus perplexus)

no image for Confusing bumble bee (Bombus perplexus)

Photo credit: None

Bumble bee illustrations: Paul Williams (identification and color patterns) and Elaine Evans (bee body design).

Identifying Features

Status: None
Confusing bumble bee (Bombus perplexus) illustration Confusing bumble bee (Bombus perplexus) illustration 2

"Highly variable species"; "Thorax usually all yellow between wings, below wings (sides of body) often black"; "T1-2 yellow"; "Tail usually black, or some pale/white hairs"


Confusing bumble bee (Bombus perplexus) range map

When to Look

Confusing bumble bee (Bombus perplexus) range phenology

Floral Associations

Asclepias syriaca, Campanula rotundifolia, Eutrochium maculatum, Hydrophyllum virginianum, Rubus odoratus

Look Alike Species

B. vagans